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The Sculpture of Syvia Shaw Judson back cover.JPG
A twentieth- Century Quest for nature's Essence: The Scuplture of Sylvia Shaw Judson Sponosred by :The Seventh Annual Katherine Filson Covington Memorial Art Exhibition

Full title and description: Catalogue of Lake Forest College...Ferry Halll Seminary. Lake Forest Academy, 1892-93. Lake Forest:1892 This is the 102-page catalog for the University programs in Lake Forest, to be distinguished from the Lake Forest…

Full title and description: Announcement of course of Instruction of Lake Forest College for 1893-94. Lake Forest 1893 A supplement circular was issued immediately after President Coulter's Inauguration in June 1893, containing a statement of…

Full title and description: Catalogue of Lake Forest University for the Academic Year, 1893-1894. Lake Forest This is the 198-page catalog for the University programs in Lake Forest, to be distinguished from the Lake Forest University programs in…

Full title and description: Catalogue of Lake Forest University for the Academic Year 1890-91. Lake Forest This is the 153-page catalog for the University programs in Lake Forest, and includes information for the Lake Forest University programs in…

Full title and description: Lake Forest College Catalogue, 1917-1918 Lake Forest:1917

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Ful title and description: Lake Forest College catalogue, 1909-1910 Lake Forest

Full title and description: Lake Forest College catalogue 1911-1912. Lake Forest

Full title and descriptions: Lake Forest College catalogue, 1913-1914. Lake Forest
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