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The Lily Reid Holt Chapel, completed in 1900, was named in her memory. The Chapel was donated by Lily's mother, Mrs. Simon Somerville Reid (Martha McWilliams).

Lily Reid Holt (1865-95), Class of 1884.

Everett D. Graff: The Early-Century Ideal of a Lake Forest Liberal Arts GraduateEverett D. Graff '06 (1885-1964) exemplified the early-century ideal of a Lake Forest College liberal arts graduate: rising to both corporate and cultural leadership in…

Anna F. Davies, Class of 1889 (d. 1942). Anna Freeman Davies, Pioneer Social Worker In 1898, when the founder of Hull House, Jane Addams, suggested to Anna Davies, Class of 1889, M.A. 1894, that she join the staff of the fledgling College Settlement…

John J. Halsey, on the faculty from 1878 to 1919, was Lake Forest's first career faculty member and the institution's primary historian, serving also as acting president in 1896-97 and 1906-7.

Fred A. Hayner, Class of 1895, an all-around college leader, is credited with inventing the flying tackle in football as a student at Lake Forest. It "never failed to stop a man in his tracks," said the Chicago Record-Hearld in 1913. Hayner went on…
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