This is a student group periodical issued regularly for about four years and then occasionally after that, to 1984. This record includes a first issue and then a first full volume of issues. Its format was as an alternative newspaper or periodical to…
This is a six-page tabloid issue, with a subtitle but no masthead or listing of staff, though responsibility continues to be attributed to A.S.A.L., the campus black student organization.
Topics continue to center on political topics in Africa and…
This is the first issue of an African-American student alternative periodical,Black Rap, published quite regularly from 1968 to 1972, approximately, with less regular issues after that. Its printing was primitive or inexpensive: ditto at the outset…
This sixgteen-page March 1970 second issue of the re-purposed in its second volume Black Rap explores Africa and international models of revolution and liberation, Communism and volilent overthrow of colonialism. While still not slick in character,…