Warren Manning, Landscape Architect, Lake Forest area and Illinois Client/Job List, with addresses of subdivided estates, 2011-12--derived from Manning Project information, Library of American Landscape History (LALH), Amherst, MA
Warren Manning, Landscape Architect, Lake Forest area and Illinois Client/Job List, with addresses of subdivided estates, 2011-12--derived from Manning Project information, Library of American Landscape History (LALH), Amherst, MA
This is a working list relating to efCorts led by the Library of American Landscape History (LALH), Amherst, to document the design work of Warren Manning, Brookline, MA, based landscape archtiect, 1890s-1930s. A letter in the College archives from Manning to President Herbert Moore in ca. 1937 states that Manning visited lake Forest every spring for forty years, from the mid 1890s, for Cyrus McCormick II, who died in 1936. ON those visits he laso undertook other work, as listed here. These lists are derived form records in the archives of the University of Lowell, MA, and of Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa. Further documentation--photos, plans, etc.--may be available there. The "value-added" by Lake Forest College's Archives staff, 2011, was to add the addresses now covered by these subdivided former estates, along with where possible the names of the owners in 2011. But key places have changed hands recently, notably the site of the Walden house and the Walden Ravello, in 2011-12--both on Bluff's Edge Road. For the LALH Manning project, see: http://www.lalh.org/manningrp.html For biographical information on Manning, see an LALH sketch: http://www.lalh.org/manningbio.html Elsewhere in these digital collections can be located Manning's 1933 Hsitory of Walden in sections (search "Warren Manning").
Archives and Special Collections, Donnelley and Lee Library, Lake Forest College
Archives and Special Collections, Donnelley and Lee Library, Lake Forest College, “Warren Manning, Landscape Architect, Lake Forest area and Illinois Client/Job List, with addresses of subdivided estates, 2011-12--derived from Manning Project information, Library of American Landscape History (LALH), Amherst, MA,” Digital Collections - Lake Forest College, accessed March 14, 2025, https://collections.lakeforest.edu/items/show/4230.