"Merrie Meade, Early Lake Forest Residence" (Calvin Durands)


"Merrie Meade, Early Lake Forest Residence" (Calvin Durands)


Lake Forest (Ill.)


These two clippings from the mid 20th C. were stapled together among the files of the Public Information office, transferred to the library in the early 1970s and forming a core of College Archives then. The first shorter one just lists homes at which students were entertained in the late 19th C., with the character of Mrs. Simon Reid singled out for mention.  


Merrie Meade, shown in a photograph from the Waldo Allens (Mr. Allen a descendant of Calvin Durand), was the 1875 home of Calvin Durand, youngest of several Durand siblings in Lake Forest, an ancestor of a family still represented in the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff community by Harriet Arpee Sherman (Trowbridge-Arpee). The house stood until 1939, then owned by the Bergingham family. The property was the subdivided for five houses. 

The two houses mentioned as south of the ravine south of Spring Lane were the extant one (Frost & Granger, ca. 1909) at the ravine edge and the one south of it (Frost & Granger, ca. 1909), demolished for the 1998 pool house of "Camp Rosemary" but for most of the 20th C. the home of R. Douglas and Harriet McClure Stuart.  The northern of the two was for Mrs. William Mather Lewis and the south one was for Bertha J. Durand (Mrs. Arthur) Yaggy.   








Lake Forest Address Reference File--Mayflower Rd., "Merrie Meade"


“"Merrie Meade, Early Lake Forest Residence" (Calvin Durands),” Digital Collections - Lake Forest College, accessed March 3, 2025, https://collections.lakeforest.edu/items/show/5728.

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