Landscape architect Harriette W. Long, summary of consultation and statement for Mrs. Edward L. Ryerson, Jr. (Alice Judson, later Hayes), Cambridge, MA, October 1963


Landscape architect Harriette W. Long, summary of consultation and statement for Mrs. Edward L. Ryerson, Jr. (Alice Judson, later Hayes), Cambridge, MA, October 1963


Harriet W. Long, who identifies herself as a landscape architect, Walpole Streeet, Dover, MA, met with Mrs. Edward L. Ryerson, Jr. (Alice Ryerson Hayes, 1922-2005) in October of 1963 and created for her a plan for screening her Cambridge MA home (71 Washington Avenue).

Alice Judson Ryerson founded the Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest, in 1976 at the Lake Forest home of her mother, sculptor Sylvia Shaw Judson Haskins (1897-1978), and lived there until 1986, when the Ragdale house built by her grandfather, Howard Van Doren Shaw, 1897, was donated to the city of Lake Forest. She subsequently summered in the log cabin northwest of the house (west of the Ragale garden), formerly Abraham Lincoln's Indiana home, of the 1933-34 Century of Progress exhibit, Chicago and acquired by her mother afterwards as a studio.

After her divorce from Mr. Ryerson she married Albert Hayes, a University of Chicago retired English professor. 

This file from Harriette W. Long consists of two leaves, a typed summary of Long's consultation on the afternoon of October 16, 1963, her typed bill, and continuing on the second bill page, an autograph ink note instructing Mrs. Ryerson to pay an accompanying nurseryman's bill, with other care instructions, etc.  On the summary of consultation sheet, too, there is a sketch of hemlocks in red against a blue background of Laurel, according to penned instructions by Long. The two sheets are Long's stationery, headed in green "Harriette W. Long/Landscape Architect/Walpole Street/Dover, Massachusetts."  The Bill, the second sheet, is marked in pencil "Paid" and ujnderlined in Alice's distincitively bold handwriting. 

This relates to Lake Forest's Ragdale ptroperty history because Alice Hayes spent many summers at Ragdale as a child when the Ragdale garden was under the care of her gerandmother Frances Wells (Mrs. Howard Van Doren) Shaw, d. 1938 (howard had died in 1926). Her mother then cared for the gardens with a gardener until Alice took over in 1976, and ran the landscape until 1986, working also with Steve Christie of Lake Forest Open Lands, who had his office in the Ragdale basement.  But this 1963 report shows Alice to a be an informed landscape manager, something that built on her childhood Ragdale experience and which informed her 1976-1986 formal stewardship of the Ragdale property and also her subsequent informal oversight from her cabin overlooking the 1912 Shaw garden, during the City of lake Forest's stewardship.  


Long, Harriette W.


Lake Forest College











Special Collections reference files--Lake Forest Biography and Families--Hayes, Alice


71 Washington Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Long, Harriette W., “Landscape architect Harriette W. Long, summary of consultation and statement for Mrs. Edward L. Ryerson, Jr. (Alice Judson, later Hayes), Cambridge, MA, October 1963,” Digital Collections - Lake Forest College, accessed March 1, 2025,

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