Lake Forest [East Estate District] Historic District Revised Nomination Form, 2012: draft by Benjamin Historic Certifications for the City of Lake Forest, Illinois (DRAFT with edits and comments by Gail Hodges), temporary and preliminary


Lake Forest [East Estate District] Historic District Revised Nomination Form, 2012: draft by Benjamin Historic Certifications for the City of Lake Forest, Illinois (DRAFT with edits and comments by Gail Hodges), temporary and preliminary


Lake Forest (Ill.)

Hotchkiss, Almerin

Lake Forest Association

National Register of Historic Places


Commissioned by the City of Lake Forest and carried out by Susan Benjamin's historic property research firm (Gwen Sommers Yant, etc.), BEnjamin Historic Certifications ( ) with volunteer assistance in 2010-12, this is a temporarily accessible draft version of the National Register approved (Washington DC) narrative portion of the nomination form, and not including an address list.

The report updates the 1976 completed original nomination covering the same east side estate district, the estate portion of Almerin Hotchkiss's 1857 curvilinear street plan for the Lake Forest Association, by 1861 the city of Lake Forest. (The legal successor to the Lake Forest Association is Lake Forest College, formerly Lake Forest University. The College Archives hold the LFA minutes and exec. comm. minutes, the shares redeemed for deeds to lots in the Hotchkiss plan, and some related correspondence.)

The State Preservation Agency is expected to mount on its website with two months of mid April 2012 its final, Washington approved Nomination document.  This will be superceded by that, and if notified we will remove this version.  

To supplement the standard rights statement below, when the completed form is available it will be in the public domain.  This draft though   is not, adn rights rest with Benjamin Historic Certifications, the City of Lake Forest, and Gail Hodges.  This is for temporary reference purposes only and should not be dulplicated without permission.  


Benjamin Historic Certifications


Lake Forest College











Benjamin Historic Certifications, “Lake Forest [East Estate District] Historic District Revised Nomination Form, 2012: draft by Benjamin Historic Certifications for the City of Lake Forest, Illinois (DRAFT with edits and comments by Gail Hodges), temporary and preliminary,” Digital Collections - Lake Forest College, accessed March 27, 2025,

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