This is a bookplate for John Thomas Lee, engraved by William Fowler Hopson. It is part of the Asmann-Anthony collection. There are two copies of this bookplate in this collection.
The original architect for 901 E. Rosemary Rd. is Lawrence Gustav Hallberg (1844-1915).
A resource mentioning the architect is a Chicago Tribune notice, Nov. 11, 1888, of work on the 901 E. Rosemary Rd. house’s beginning for Levi Yaggy, a Chicago…
From 1999 to 2011 Arthur D. Dubin (1923-2011), who attended Lake Forest College in 1943 as part of his wartime service, donated thousands of photographic and related images to Special Collections, Lake Forest College library. In one of his early…
This is a bookplate for the Chateau de Ramezay of Montreal, Canada. The artist is unknown It was part of the Asmann-Anthony collection. It was given to the collection by the Society, on March 27, 1922.
This is a bookplate for Nicholas Murray Butler. The artist is unknown. The Latin phrase 'Mens immota manet' translates to 'mind remains unmoved'. This bookplate is part of the Asmann-Anthony collection.