This is a page from a College publicity or admissions brochure showing the Alice Home Hospital designed by Frost and Granger architects, 1899, and built on North Campus, facing west to Lois Durand Hall. The College focus leads to the title of the…
View of of back wall and front of room with the trophys. The back wall has a sign that says "A Tradition of Excellence" and has a series of framed photos underneath it of various sporting events and people. In the middle of the room, there are tables…
A black and white photo of the front of the Sports Center, which faces north. Numerous trees are visible in front of the entrance. This photograph clearly emphasizes the the self-effacing character of architect Edward Dart's design, minimizing its…
This appeares to be prior to the creation of the Tiernan Room to house trophies and Hall of Fame plaques, with some plaques installed on the walls of the building's interior. Only some of the names on the plaques are easy to read: Edward Cochran '75…
A colored photo of the front of Patterson Lodge with the original white porch restored to the building, 1993. The setting sun casts a glow on the building during what appears to be late fall, winter, or early spring due to the leafless trees. The…