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They are standing by the pillar gate at the entrance of the garden ring theatre.
Mounted on cardboard. Full size of sketch located at Ragdale. Actual piece located at Ragdale 2001.

Francis D. Weeks (d. 1990) traveled globally in the early years of jet travel, before mass international travel overtook many sites. His slides show details not available in books for locations such as the Taj Mahal, sites that indeed may not be as…
Series of four photographs, all subjects posing in Dutch costume

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Franklin P. Smith estate, Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois--Formal garden south of Great Hall, 1920s.jpg
Garden apparently designed by Marshall & Fox in the early 1920s for the Franklin P. Smiths, Deerpath, Lake Forest. The garden was situated south of the new pool and Great Hall, and north of the ravine on the Smiths' estate. Its features include…

Franklin P. Smith estate, Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois--'East Porch 1905'.jpg
This view looks north along the porch/colonade east of the Smith house and terrace, as seen in 1905. The piers at each end, shingled, define the four corners, with four Tuscan columns on each side evenly spaced in between. The effect recalls English…

Franklin P. Smith estate, Deeerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois--%22Porte Cochere Seat 1905%22.jpg
Donated by Carol Blomquist, from a Durand/Smith family photo archive from the late Daisiana Smith Giles.

Franklin P. Smith estate, Deerpath, Lake Forest, Illinois--Great hall exterior and pool, 1920s .jpg
In the early 1920s Franklin P. and Daisy Durand Smith engaged Marshall & Fox, Chicago architects, to make additions and improvements to their estate. The changes were to the south, a great hall or entertaining room, a pool, and gardens (now…

Franklin P. Smith estate, Deerpath, Lake Forst, Illinois--Great hall interior.jpg
This is a version by Marshall & Fox, ca. 1921, of a Tudor-Stuart period English great hall for the 1901 Franklin P. Smith estate. The ceiling has molded plaster, though more in a later baroque mode than the typical strapwork one might find with…
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