Nancy Nichols’ Journals about her trips to Waukegan in 2007 (see also the table of contents). The journals contain interview notes, readings, and observations.
Nettle, or stinging nettle, is a very common warding and protection herb. It is also used in ritual to bring strength and avoid complication. The plant itself is a very defensive plant, it protects itself with its "stingers" and because of that it is…
Published for Bi-Weekly Staff Employees Lake Forest College. This was a decade and a half effort, thanks to editor Virginia Crist (who conveyed this file to the Archives in 2011), to build community among the staff who provided academic and other…
Nightshade has had many different uses throughout history, but has been present in many different cultures for thousands of years. Its most common use has been as a hallucinogenic drug, but due to its toxicity it has also been used as a toxin. It has…