Hotel--Beach and Park Place, Atlantic City, New Jersey; Charles H. Roberts, architect: an example of a tall classic or Georgian style building, with a lantern on top in the Wrenn manner.
This is a quite tall building, classically planned and detailed, and also with a lantern on top in the manner of 17th C. English architect Christopher Wrenn. The lantern on the top is not unlike that atop the north tower of Market Square, Lake Forest. Also, the base on which this lantern rests in the image recalls the main classic west end buildingl at Market Square, the former Marhsall Fields building. thus, these Atlantic City classic elements were also drawn on by architect HOward Shaw for classic references in his eclectic (also domestic gothic/English Arts & Crafts) elemental (in parts) design for this first shopping center.
This is from the book of the 1929 Philadelphia architectural exhibition, from the collection of White & Weber, Architects, and donated by John Weber.